关于课程 (About Us)

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关于课程 (About Us)

We serve a diverse group of children

At Bright Kids of China, our programs are centered around the idea that children learn best in a nurturing, child-initiated play-based environment that fosters self-confidence, trust, creativity, autonomy and acceptance of individual differences. The staff establishes positive personal interaction, nurturing each child's growth and education. We create a caring community of learners.

师资 (Teachers)

本校有拥有双语资格证书的老师带队, 根据孩子的语言程度编排指导课程。 中文老师队伍教法灵活, 寓教于乐。 注重孩子的听, 说, 读, 写能力。 运用不同的游戏活动, 让每个孩子可以灵活运用中文到日常生活中。 让孩子们掌握中文基础拼音知识并且了解中国的历史文化。

Certified bilingual Chinese Teachers and staff members are experienced and create lesson accordingly. Chinese teachers are highly qualified in standard Chinese and are fluent in English bilingual abilities. We aim let each student not only to learn reading, writing and listening Chinese but also be able to apply daily. Enhanced learning though variety fun activities.

招生对象 (Student Age)


Students age over 3-years-old are encourage to apply

  1. Elementary
  2. Middle School
  3. High School

优势特点 (Features)

  1. 用普通话教授简体字和现代汉语拼音, 同时教认繁体字。
    The school teaching simplified Chinese characters and modern Pin-Yin System in Mandarin
  2. 本校提供小班制, 私人教学。
    Offering small class, private tutoring class
  3. 根据学生年龄和汉语水平选择课本
    Textbook choose accordingly

Class hours 教学时间 : Saturdays 10am-12pm

Private class 私教时间 : fixable scheduled

Get in touch

Send all queries directly to brightkidschina@gmail.com

113-15 76rd, Forest hills, ny11375

84-02 60 th Ave, Middle village, Ny11379